Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I try really hard not to use the term "full-time parent." People seem to use this as a stand-in for "stay at home parent," and while I understand the reason (people have full-time jobs, so I guess it correlates to some degree), I think it's insulting. Because, really? Are people who work at a "full-time job" only "part-time parents?" Just because Mr. C. goes to the office every day doesn't mean he stops being a parent - he gets the phone calls, the screaming in the background, the "GET HOME NOW" cries for help - and I know that he doesn't shut down the daddy part of his brain when he walks out the door. And all of my mom-friends who work full-time are definitely not just part-time moms!

But then, where does that leave those of us who do the parenting job full-time? Whenever someone asks me what I do, I really struggle with a quick answer. "I stay at home" sounds lazy, and whatever else being at home with my girls is, it definitely does not allow for laziness! "I work at home," while true in spirit, doesn't really describe it either, because I don't have a home-based business, which is what "work at home" conjures up for people. Part of me thinks, what do you mean, what do I do? Do you not see these two bright, highly energetic girls beside me?? I do THIS! THIS consumes me. My energy, time, care-giving skills, creativity, management skills, multi-tasking ability, patience, physical fitness level, calmness under pressure, and more, are poured into this daily, 24/7 role. So how do I sum that up in five words or less? Plus the part-time work I do, sounds like I'm a camp counselor ("I also teach music and drama to children") - like it's an afterthought, just something I dip into, rather than actual, professional work.

So although "full-time parent" is a phrase that I consciously never use, I would love to have something concise and snappy, to convey all of this! (Unfortunately, "superwoman" is already taken! :)

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